Barrel, we have also found that although ships had a very different design, some of the most common things like barrels crates and sacks where pretty much the same the world over, so i wasnt too worried about looks, o mainly concentrated on getting it to look realistic. I made a cylindrical map and then cut it at an edge, which i then unfolded, i used a planar maping for the lid.
after i was asked to make a broken barrel, in which i deleted faces and added verteces to make the wood look splintered where it broke. then i selected the whole object and extruded it inwards to make it look solid,
For the bottles i modelled it in polygons, and then used the shatter effect, it looked really nice but when i came to add a shader it looked wierd as the shattered effect broke the inside and the outside meshes at different parts. so i left just the inside bit and then extruded it inwards.