Monday 22 November 2010


With the lamp i started with a simple Polygon cube and added a few edges, then I extruded a few times and then merged the vertexes at the top.

I made two different kinds of lamps one as they wouldnt use one design for the ship.


We had some trouble with reseaching the pulleys for junks as all of our reference picturs where from very far away, or too pixelated, so we watched Pirates of the caribbean : worlds end, where there is a junk, although we couldnt get such a good look at it we could see that they wernt too different from european designs, maybe they where better made but the basic shape was the same. 

Cannons balls and sand bags

The cannon balls where the simples object i modelled for obvious reason, but I spent a bit more time on the shader, I gave it a metallick shiny shader, with bits of rust in it, I also gave it a bump map.

I laso made a hand cannon, although we decided not to use it as there where not enough reference pictures avaliable in the internet.

To make the bottles I used a curve and revolved it to  make a Nurbs object, i then added a green shader and I upped the transparency to make it look like glass.

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